改めて調べていて練習代わりに 選択したフォルダの下の階層を再現して画像を読み込むスクリプトを作ったのでメモ
メニューのツール>Scripts>Scripter で出るウィンドウにコピペして再生ボタンを押すことで実行できます。
実行すると表示されるファイル選択ダイアログで フォルダを指定できます
from krita import * from PyQt5 import QtWidgets import os from pathlib import Path #Shoose directory work_dir = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory() #filepath as object work_path = Path( work_dir ) def add_document_to_window(): """Add new document to Krita Arguments: width (int): width in pixels height (int): height in pixels name (str): name of the image (not the filename of the document) colorModel (str): color model of document, e.g. "RGBA", "XYZA", "LABA", "CMYKA", "GRAYA", "YCbCrA" colorDepth (str): color depth, e.g. "U8", "U16", "F16" or "F32" profile (str): The name of an icc profile that is known to Krita resolution (float): the resolution in points per inch Returns: the created document """ doc = Krita().createDocument(100, 100, "Test", "RGBA", "U8", "", 72.0) Application.activeWindow().addView(doc) return doc #make PSDFile def load_image_as_layer(parent_node, directory_path, extension_list= ["png","JPG","bmp"] ): """load imagedata on parent_node""" img_list = [] #get image file for ext in extension_list: img_list += list( directory_path.glob("*." + ext)) for file_path in img_list: if not file_path.exists():pass new_doc = Krita().openDocument(os.fspath(file_path)) image_node = new_doc.rootNode().childNodes()[0] parent_node.addChildNode(image_node.clone(),None) new_child = parent_node.childNodes()[-1] new_child.setName(file_path.name) #fit document to image if new_child.bounds().width()> doc.width(): doc.setWidth(new_child.bounds().width()) if new_child.bounds().height()> doc.height(): doc.setHeight(new_child.bounds().height()) new_doc.close() def createGroupLayer_recursively(path_object,node): """make GroupLayer like directory""" dir_list = [x for x in path_object.iterdir() if x.is_dir()] doc = Krita().activeDocument() Grouplayers = [doc.createGroupLayer(p.name) for p in dir_list] node.setChildNodes( reversed(Grouplayers) ) load_image_as_layer(node,path_object) for childNode in Grouplayers: #get chld directory dir = path_object/childNode.name() createGroupLayer_recursively(dir,childNode) doc = add_document_to_window() doc_root = doc.rootNode() #Scan the directory structure recursively createGroupLayer_recursively(work_path,doc_root) doc.refreshProjection()#ドキュメントの表示状態の更新